Kellergasse in Krauttal

This is the time of the year when the grapes are harvested and prepared for the new wine. To celebrate this and to get a first taste of the grape juice, before it has fermented, parties are held in each and every little village with even the smallest of wine growing area. Usually all wine growers have a cellar where they make their wines and they are often along a small hilly road or "Kellergasse" the parties are therefore called "Kellergassenfesten". On a small trip outside Vienna we ran into one of these parties and had to go in the opposite direction to get home but first we took a stroll down the road and enjoyed the party. Sadly, I could not taste any of the many wines on offer since I had to drive home but it is really nice to see how all generations and people from all walks of life come together, drink a glass of wine but hardly anyone gets drunk.
Kellergasse in Stammendorf

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