In most quality of living surveys, Vienna ranks very high if not at the top. Communications are excellent, health and school services as well and the cultural life is outstanding. The restaurants offer a wide variety of international and local menus that can satisfy even the most demanding tastes and so on and on.
There is, however, one big problem that everyone who has been walking around this lovely city has noticed. The dog poo that you see, step in and smell in all but the plushest streets. One can hardly walk around the block without getting upset and wonder why it is like this. You will not find a lot of cigarette butts or paper waste but dog poo...
The city council has, of course, noted the problem and started a number of campaigns but so far the results are very limited. It seems as if the dog owners do not care at all and the fines they risk are obviously not having any deterrent effect or they are simply never implemented.
Among the measures taken are signs saying how much the fine is and then an arrow at the crime scene.

Special dog toilets have been clearly marked and special dispensers of plastic bags set up but to no avail.

My own suggestion is that the many parking inspectors are given a wider and new mandate to be able to fine those who let their dogs make a mess of our lovely city! Maybe we can learn something from Singapore or other cities with a lot of dogs but still clean streets?
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